St. Louis Summer Nights and Lights
This shoot has been on my brain for a few months now. I wanted to catch some of the Saturday night vibe downtown. We started in Taylor Park, then over to Central West End, St. Louis, and ended the night at the Delmar Loop. The outfits were totally inspired by my Instagram followers via several fun polls! They narrowed down several outfit choices til we got absolute perfection! So if you aren't following me over there you are missing a TON of content! Our Models: Victoria is not a model by vocation but after this shoot I begged to differ. I've known this girl since she was itty bitty but I definitely came out of left field with this idea and she more than rose to the occasion! My lil brother, Conrad is always down for a shoot and he brought his bike along for a few pictures! This boy is the last single Wells child and a complete stud-muffin to boot. Not in a hurry to marry him off, he's way too much fun right now! I'm so glad Liz didn't think I was a creep way back in September when she answered my random Instagram message about a different styled shoot, we've been friends ever since! This girl IS a model by vocation and a fierce force of nature in front of the camera. Be sure to follow her on Instagram! I have been diving more and more into off camera flash lately. It gives you so much more control over your photography. I hear a lot of photographers boast about being a "natural-light" photographer, it's become a very tight-knit club. I wanted that to work for me. It's cheaper for one thing...and a heck of a lot more convenient for another. But it just hasn't been enough for me. I couldn't get the rich colors I wanted with natural light. Or the mood! This was my first official shoot with 100% OCF and there's no looking back ya'll. Game. Changer. We had a group of very rambunctious middle aged women following us at one point. Commenting on the outfits and poses. They sat down on the fountain in Maryland Plaza hooping and hollering while we shot. I was dying laughing. At one point one of the ladies ran over and hooked Liz's leg on Conrad's leg. "Oooh that's sexy as hell! Take that shot. Photographer! TAKE. THAT. SHOT!" Amidst their cheers I took a progression of shots that absolutely kills me! Conrad's face says it all he could barely keep it together. Planning on gathering a different group for Street Fashion- Fall Edition. Needing 3-5 individual models. Submit a photo via my website to be considered! Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed creating them!